Doanne & Doanne


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No one wants to get sick.
In fact, people these days are taking unprecedented measures to keep themselves safe.

Whether you’ve had your vaccine shot or not, this pandemic has many people wondering what happens if you do get sick? So sick that your life is in question? What do you do if your affairs aren’t in order? By then, it may be too late.
Estate planning attorney Rebecca Doane weighs in:

So what happens if you don’t have your paperwork in place?

Florida’s intestate laws will pass a decedent’s estate to any heirs, even remote heirs if the decedent does not have any living close relatives. The State would only take the decedent’s assets as a last resort if the decedent had no heirs.

To avoid this, it is imperative that you plan now.

So stay safe, be healthy, and work with an experienced estate planning attorney who will be there for you and your family.
Call Doane and Doane or visit Doane and Doane dot com.

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